Sunday, June 21, 2009


Here's a photo of the cloche. It's not great, but I like it because I can adjust the hat to fit different head sizes.

I am now working on a hat for the hubby.

Friday, June 05, 2009

WIP - Cloche

I've been working on a cloche for the past few weeks. I say the past few weeks because I have had to rip off the project several times as the cloche was too big for my head. I am following a pattern, but then I don't have the correct yarn and needle size so it's been more of a trial-and-error thing. (I had a stash of yarn that I wanted to use before I buy a new stash.) I think I finally got it right. I should be done soon. I hope!

Growing Herbs

I've always wanted to grow herbs, but I don't have a green thumb so I shied away from it. Recently, I took a leap of faith and bought three herbs - rosemary, mint and basil - from the garden store nearby. It's been two weeks and they seem to be thriving despite the lack of direct sunlight. I used some of the basil when I made tuna spread the other day and a few mint leaves for iced tea. I'm excited to use more of these fresh herbs in the coming weeks, especially the basil, which seems to be growing more than the mint. (We were told at the garden store that the mint tends to take over the other plants beside it.)
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