Tuesday, November 21, 2006

WIP: Crochet Yoga Bag

I have been knitting off and on since learning it from my foster mother when I was 15 and have been knitting in earnest for the last few months. I also flirted briefly with crochet that after starting with this yoga bag in June, it continues to be a work-in-progress. I used leftover yarns, hence the wacky colors.

Button Hole Bag

The Button Hole Bag is one of my favorites. It took me only two days to finish this and I plan to make more - in different sizes and colors.

I felted it twice so it's a bit smaller than I wanted it to be.

Upside Down Cap Bowl

Hobo Bag

It took me a week to finish the Hobo Bag, and here's how it looked before it was felted.

And here it is as it's soaking the scene along Lake Michigan.

Striped Bowl

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Fairy-Tale Wool Dolls

Here are a couple of beginner's attempts at making dolls from unspun colored wool using the needle felting technique. I made the doll on the left while my son made the one on the right. We plan to make bigger and more colorful ones in the next few weeks.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Clutch Bag

Before felting

After felting. What a big difference!

Felted Bowl

Here's my first attempt at making a felted bowl.

WIP: Hobo Bag

When I was halfway through this yarn, I was fascinated by the rather intricate design so I had to take a photo of it.

The bag I'm working on now is a bit exciting for me as I am learning new techniques as I go along. For example, I haven't picked up stitches ever, so I had to read about it first before I proceeded. I wasn't sure if I did it correctly, but from the looks of it, I probably did it right as it is shaping to look like a bag. I'm almost done with the body. My next challenge will be working on the strap, which I should be starting on by tomorrow.

Monday, November 06, 2006

First Felted Bag

Finally, after years of doing just scarves, I'm now venturing into making bags - and felted (or is it called fulling?) ones at that. It is quite exciting. This is my first project. Obviously, it's not perfect as I made a mistake in sewing the handles (and the bag is misshapen), but I think it makes my bag unique in a quirky way. I plan to use it to stuff my knitting yarns in.

Before felting

After felting - notice the bag became smaller

Wavy Scarfy

This scarf is the fourth one I'm making from the same pattern. It's quite unique. I love it and don't mind making it over and over again.