Sunday, May 08, 2011

Paperbag Skirt

I wonder if I could make this.

Internal Zipper Pocket tutorial

Adding Zipper to an Existing Tote Bag

Tote Bag with Zipper

I would like to make another tote bag, but with a zipper.

This looks like a good tutorial.

Slip Stitching

Here's a good tutorial on slip stitching.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

All-Day Tote Bag

Here's my second tote bag, based on the pattern by Lotta Jansdotter. The bag is kind of floppy, so next time, I would like to add interfacing. It's not completely done yet, as I still have to add a button and sew one side, but I'm getting there. I can't wait to make another one.

Update: I added interfacing and a button. The bag looks better, but not yet perfect. I'm going to bring it to work tomorrow and see how it fares.

Lady's mantle

Last year, I got a sprig of lady's mantle (names afte r the Virgin Mary's cloak because of its scalloped leaves) and fell in love with it so I kept the name of the plant on my list of things I wanted to grow this year. Today, I was planning to stay home as I had a long list of things to do, but the gorgeous weather was calling out to me. I thought of going for a walk to the garden centre, and true enough the store was full of people wanting to buy plants for their gardens. With this kind of weather, who wouldn't? I was ecstatic to finally see that they got their delivery of lady's mantle. (They didn't have it two weeks ago when I visited.)