Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tutorial: Adding crochet border to knits

I made Stirrup Socks for one of my nieces for Christmas and had to crochet the edge of the heel slit to prevent it from rolling.

Found this great tutorial.

Step One: Make a slip knot and put it on the crochet hook. This is the same as step one of last week's tutorial. Make sure the hook you've selected is the right size for the yarn you're using!

I am using a G hook with Rowan Handknit Cotton.

Step Two: Insert the crochet hook into the "v" of the knit fabric. This is the same place you inserted your needle for picking up and knitting stitches.

The hook goes in the middle of the "v."

Step Three: Yarn over and pull the yarn through. This is not the same type of yarn over you're used to in knitting. All it means is put the yarn over the hook. (Pretty self explanatory.) Then use the hook to pull that yarn through the knit "v". You now have two loops on the crochet hook.

Yarn over . . .

. . . and pull it through, leaving two loops on the hook.

Step Four: Complete the single crochet. Yarn-over again, and pull the yarn through both loops on the hook. You have one loop left on your hook.

Another yarn over . . .

. . . and a completed single crochet.

Repeat steps two through four until you reach the corner or end of the row.

If you'd like, you can fasten off at the end of the row and be done with it. You fasten off crochet the same way you do the last bind-off stitch of knitting. This is what one row of single crochet looks like:

Note that the fabric isn't rolling!