Monday, March 05, 2012

Wrap It Up: Make These 5 DIY Scarves

To do.

This week, winter hit Los Angeles—and my heater failed. While I've been using my blow dryer to warm my extremities, I've been checking out DIY scarves I can make in the discomfort of my home. I decided to scoop up a ton of fabric and whip up an infinity scarf.
Because my fingers were too cold to sew much, I purchased fabric that didn’t require a lot of needlework. Jersey fabrics work really well for this because you don’t need to finish off the ends—just cut and go. I cut the fabric about 3 feet wide and 7 feet long and sewed the two ends together, then repeated the process to make a few plush and comfortable scarves. With the leftovers, I made some smaller versions, like the glittery one I’m wearing here.